Health: 8
Attack Power: 1

What are these things? Who cares? Get out your weapons and get cracking, these things are slow, but their shell makes for pretty good protection. Send them back to wherever they came from.
Attack Power: 2

These things hurt! Hidden in the walls of the caverns, they pop out when Mike walks out in their line of sight, and try to give Mike a slice. Be careful, and just get out of their way as fast as you can, because you can't destroy them!
Big Bully
Health: 11
Attack Power: 2.5

WOAH! These guys are huge! They sure are tough too. Remember that bully that always beat you up in middle school? Imagine these guys are him, and start wailing back for once! Take advantage of their slow speed to get plenty of hits in before taking a break. Your class would be proud.
Health: 2
Attack Power: 3

These guys are always looking for a bite, just make sure it's not you. They are quick, but fairly weak. Take them out before they learn what human flesh tastes like.
Attack Power: 2

If you see these things popping up and down in a room you enter, get out of there as fast as you can! The blades pop up and down quicker than Mike can throw a fastball, and they can't be destroyed. They also have a tendency to follow Mike around a bit, so don't hang around longer than you need to.
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

Mumuu's loyal companion, but he's no Spot. He's quick, and he wants you to follow him, into the afterlife! Teach him a new trick or two.
Health: 5
Attack Power: 1.5

These things may be the stupidest looking creatures in the tropics, but they can be a real threat if you aren't quick. They take some decent damage, run around like there's no tomorrow, and can cross some bodies of water. Knock their heads off.
Death Disc (gold)
Health: 4
Attack Power: 3

These spiky things keep coming, and coming, and coming, and coming! Red ones can be killed with a single hit, while gold ones take four times as much energy to eliminate. Both still hurt Mike the same. Destroy each as they come into reach, and then get out of their way!
Death Disc (red)
Health: 1
Attack Power: 3

These spiky things keep coming, and coming, and coming, and coming! Red ones can be killed with a single hit, while gold ones take four times as much energy to eliminate. Both still hurt Mike the same. Destroy each as they come into reach, and then get out of their way!
Health: 1
Attack Power: 1.5
Projectile Attack Power: 1

If you come across these spellcasters, let's hope you have the mirror with you. It's the only way to repel their attacks, and send that *ahem* hag back to her grave.
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

Sure they look dumb, they are. However, these birds sure do move fast for having been extinct for hundreds of years. They are still pretty easy to kill though, thankfully. Be quick, and make em' extinct again.
Attack Power: 2

Coming into contact with this would be a shocking experience. They follow Mike around, but there can be a pattern to their appearance, so pay attention, and you might make it past with your nerve cells intact.
Health: 3
Attack Power: 1.5

Who's this guy? He jumps out from underwater, and hops around the room randomly, like a demented kid. Put him out of his misery with a few good shots.
You will never forget these things, after you come into contact with one. They paralyze Mike's upper body when they hit him, disabling him from attacking until it wears off. To add to it, Mike can still be hurt while paralyzed, and the fuzz can't be killed. Avoid them if you can, and if you do get hit, stay as far away from other enemies as you can. What a nuisance!
Gadfly (brown)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

You'll see brown and gray versions of these bugs. They start off slow, but after a time, will suddenly speed up for a brief period, before returning to their original speed. Both types take the same amount of damage to destroy, but the gray ones do double the damage of the brown.
Gadfly (gray)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 2

You'll see brown and gray versions of these bugs. They start off slow, but after a time, will suddenly speed up for a brief period, before returning to their original speed. Both types take the same amount of damage to destroy, but the gray ones do double the damage of the brown.
Health: 5
Attack Power: 1.5

These things are small, but they pack a punch. After you attack them once or twice, they open their eyes and start sprinting back and forth in your direction. Attack them, move out of the way, and when their eyes close, attack again. The eyes have it!
Heat Tile
Attack Power: 7.5

OW! If you don't want to be Zoda's next human fillet dinner, you best avoid these. They will be a real test of your jumping skill, so if you can't take the heat! *SIZZLE*
Health: 1
Attack Power: 0.5

Mike's weakest foe. These purple slugs slither slowly around the room, and damage Mike only when they come in contact with him. They're not very strong though, so don't be too scared.
Looper (green)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 2

These snakes come in 3 forms, each with their own approach at attacking Mike. The orange ones sprint towards Mike when he walks in their path, the greens pace back and forth in wait, and the purples go on the hunt all around the room. Fight fast and jump quick!
Looper (orange)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 0.5

These snakes come in 3 forms, each with their own approach at attacking Mike. The orange ones sprint towards Mike when he walks in their path, the greens pace back and forth in wait, and the purples go on the hunt all around the room. Fight fast and jump quick!
Looper (purple)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 2

These snakes come in 3 forms, each with their own approach at attacking Mike. The orange ones sprint towards Mike when he walks in their path, the greens pace back and forth in wait, and the purples go on the hunt all around the room. Fight fast and jump quick!
Mad Muddy (green)
Health: 1
Projectile Attack Power: 1

Man, these guys are ugly! Popping up in rooms with water, these muddy creatures come in either red or green forms, and shoot bullets straight at you at rapid speed. They pop up in random places, so you can never predict where they'll turn up next, but they only take a single shot to kill. It is best to avoid them anyway, if you can.
Mad Muddy (red)
Health: 1
Projectile Attack Power: 1

Man, these guys are ugly! Popping up in rooms with water, these muddy creatures come in either red or green forms, and shoot bullets straight at you at rapid speed. They pop up in random places, so you can never predict where they'll turn up next, but they only take a single shot to kill. It is best to avoid them anyway, if you can.
Megaton (blue)
Attack Power: 22

Who wants to go bowling!? Not with these things, you don't. An instant kill will come your way if you get run over by one, so strategy is key. Three different types, with three different colors to distinguish them, can be found in the dungeons. Blue megatons are the basic kind, with green ones moving at a slightly faster rate. Red ones stay only within Mike's range of sight, returning from the direction they came at the edge of the screen, instead of from the opposite end of a wide room. Don't be a bowling pin!
Megaton (green)
Attack Power: 22

Who wants to go bowling!? Not with these things, you don't. An instant kill will come your way if you get run over by one, so strategy is key. Three different types, with three different colors to distinguish them, can be found in the dungeons. Blue megatons are the basic kind, with green ones moving at a slightly faster rate. Red ones stay only within Mike's range of sight, returning from the direction they came at the edge of the screen, instead of from the opposite end of a wide room. Don't be a bowling pin!
Megaton (red)
Attack Power: 22

Who wants to go bowling!? Not with these things, you don't. An instant kill will come your way if you get run over by one, so strategy is key. Three different types, with three different colors to distinguish them, can be found in the dungeons. Blue megatons are the basic kind, with green ones moving at a slightly faster rate. Red ones stay only within Mike's range of sight, returning from the direction they came at the edge of the screen, instead of from the opposite end of a wide room. Don't be a bowling pin!
Health: 1
Attack Power: 0.5

BOO! Ghosts really do exist! However, you can't see them without the rod of sight. When you use it, then they appear right before your eyes. They can be hidden in walls, on the water, or floating back and forth on the ground. If you are suddenly attacked by something, but can't see anything around, there's a good chance you are being haunted by a Minie. I wonder if they have an older brother named Maxie!
Mobilized Turret
Health: 2.5
Attack Power: 5
Projectile Attack Power: 1

These are mostly found in Zoda's ship. They shoot projectiles at you, and can move their position to get better aim. It doesn't do Mike any good to jump on them either. Dodge their bullets and attack with a long range weapon for best results.
Mr. Armstrong
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1.5
Projectile Attack Power: 1

You literally got to 'hand' it to these guys, their pitching arm is almost as good as Mike's! They throw rocks to keep you away, and they bounce up in random places and at random times, making them unpredictable. When you have the chance, jump over their rocks and go in for the kill.
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

These guys are slimy, wet, and jump out of the water when you are a certain distance away from them. Look out for them in rooms especially prevalent with water, turn and attack quick to avoid getting hit. If timed correctly, you might be able to jump over them, as well.
Muumu (blue)
Health: 8
Attack Power: 1.5

MUMMY! Those with weak hearts will be yelling such if they encounter these reborn beings. They are slow, but don't let them gang up, because they can take quite a beating for being just a bunch of bandages. The gray and blue ones are the weakest, while the pink ones do double the damage and need more hits to die! again.
Muumu (gray)
Health: 8
Attack Power: 1.5

MUMMY! Those with weak hearts will be yelling such if they encounter these reborn beings. They are slow, but don't let them gang up, because they can take quite a beating for being just a bunch of bandages. The gray and blue ones are the weakest, while the pink ones do double the damage and need more hits to die! again.
Muumu (pink)
Health: 12
Attack Power: 3

MUMMY! Those with weak hearts will be yelling such if they encounter these reborn beings. They are slow, but don't let them gang up, because they can take quite a beating for being just a bunch of bandages. The gray and blue ones are the weakest, while the pink ones do double the damage and need more hits to die! again.
Ninja Monkey
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

HI-YA! They have wings, they jump, and they are a pain in a monkey's *ahem* butt. Don't let a bunch of them surround you, or you may take a lot of damage. You may want to consider staying in one spot and letting them come to you, instead.
Nocto (blue)
Health: 1
Attack Power: 0.5

EEK! Direct from Transylvania, these winged nightmares fly around the room at varying speeds. The blue ones fly at a normal speed, while the much faster red ones can give Mike an unwanted case of whiplash. You might want to sit and rest and let them come to you at first!
Nocto (red)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

EEK! Direct from Transylvania, these winged nightmares fly around the room at varying speeds. The blue ones fly at a normal speed, while the much faster red ones can give Mike an unwanted case of whiplash. You might want to sit and rest and let them come to you at first!
Health: 1
Attack Power: 1

Making a guest appearance from another popular game series, octot's hop around in wet regions, and can jump across bodies of water to get closer to an enemy. They otherwise aren't that hard to kill.
Pirate Ghoul
Health: 1
Attack Power: 1.5
Projectile Attack Power: 2

These guys can be a pain in the booty. They appear in random spots and shoot stuff at you, yet none of your weapons will touch them. Use the mirror to reflect their attacks back at them and knock them out before they can steal your treasure, matey.
Health: 2
Projectile Attack Power: 1

Puffs are full of hot air! and other stuff apparently. They pop out of the water randomly and blow stuff at you. When they get in close to land, pop 'em to bits.
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

Here's to hoping you aren't afraid of mice. These oversized pests spin around and charge without a moment's notice. However, they are not too strong. Knock 'em out when they get too close.
Rocky (brown)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 3
Projectile Attack Power: 2.5

These guys have rocks in their heads, literally! Two types can be found in your journey. Brown Rocky's are pretty weak, but they hide themselves underground while quickly making their way across a room. If you don't move out of their way, you'll get hurt. Once they stop and completely show themselves, avoid the rocks they throw at you and attack them fast. Purple Rocky's move much slower than their brown counterparts and don't throw stuff at you. However, they are stubborn, and won't go down with just a couple of hits. Hit them hard and fast, and show them who's the superior brain.
Rocky (purple)
Health: 13
Attack Power: 4

These guys have rocks in their heads, literally! Two types can be found in your journey. Brown Rocky's are pretty weak, but they hide themselves underground while quickly making their way across a room. If you don't move out of their way, you'll get hurt. Once they stop and completely show themselves, avoid the rocks they throw at you and attack them fast. Purple Rocky's move much slower than their brown counterparts and don't throw stuff at you. However, they are stubborn, and won't go down with just a couple of hits. Hit them hard and fast, and show them who's the superior brain.
Projectile Attack Power: 1

Usually not found alone, these devices shoot at Mike at regular intervals. They can't be destroyed, so it is best to just keep an eye on them, and avoid their bullets when they attack.
Silver Ball
Attack Power: 1.5

These things are usually placed as a obstruction in Mike's path. Indestructible, but if you hit them with your weapon, they start moving back and forth in the direction you hit them in. They move quick though, so run past them when you have the chance.
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

What creature did this thing come from?? That head is huge! When it hops within range, crack it open.
Space Rider
Health: 2
Attack Power: 3

And the nominee for 'Most Annoying Enemy in the Tropics'
Space Trooper (gold)
Health: 8
Attack Power: 4
Projectile Attack Power: 2

Loyal servants to the evil Zoda, Space Troopers are trained killers, out to protect their boss. They shoot their laser guns at you, as well as jumping in close for some hand to hand combat. Yellow troopers are tough enough, the gold are even tougher, while the green ones are nearly twice as strong and deadly. Stay as far away from them as you can, jump over their shots, and use a long distance weapon to show them who's boss.
Space Trooper (green)
Health: 10
Attack Power: 5
Projectile Attack Power: 2.5

Loyal servants to the evil Zoda, Space Troopers are trained killers, out to protect their boss. They shoot their laser guns at you, as well as jumping in close for some hand to hand combat. Yellow troopers are tough enough, the gold are even tougher, while the green ones are nearly twice as strong and deadly. Stay as far away from them as you can, jump over their shots, and use a long distance weapon to show them who's boss.
Space Trooper (yellow)
Health: 6
Attack Power: 3
Projectile Attack Power: 1.5

Loyal servants to the evil Zoda, Space Troopers are trained killers, out to protect their boss. They shoot their laser guns at you, as well as jumping in close for some hand to hand combat. Yellow troopers are tough enough, the gold are even tougher, while the green ones are nearly twice as strong and deadly. Stay as far away from them as you can, jump over their shots, and use a long distance weapon to show them who's boss.
Health: 1
Attack Power: 0.5

A spinistar is a starfish on land. They spin around a room, bouncing off walls for awhile, before they stop and rest. They only need a single hit to be killed though, so don't get too concerned.
Spinner (gray)
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1

Spinner's float around the room, as obstacles for anyone who tries to proceed past them. The gray ones are pretty easy, but be especially careful for the red ones, as they are stronger and they shoot bullets in your direction.
Spinner (red)
Health: 3
Attack Power: 2
Projectile Attack Power: 1

Spinner's float around the room, as obstacles for anyone who tries to proceed past them. The gray ones are pretty easy, but be especially careful for the red ones, as they are stronger and they shoot bullets in your direction.
Health: 2
Attack Power: 1.5

Calamari's popular in the South Pacific. Serve up a dish with Squido once their diagonal paths cross your way. The direction they bounce off the walls though is their choice, so one or two may not be so willing to get close to you at first!
Attack Power: 2

Similar to Blades in their attack style, Stakes move just as fast and are just as sharp. Also like Blades, you can't destroy them, so don't stick around.
Health: 4
Projectile Attack Power: 1.5

Turrets are guns that shoot at intruders, before enclosing themselves in an unbreakable shield to avoid being damaged. When their shield resides, attack them quick, before they get a shot in on you.
Attack Power: 3.5

OUCH! These guys hurt! Urchins behave exactly the same as Silver Balls, but these guys pack an extra punch with those spikes on their body. If one's coming at you, GET OUT OF THE WAY!
Projectile Attack Power: 1

Volcanoes come in groups of four and shoot little bursts of lava at Mike. Just avoid their blasts and move on, and you won't get burnt.
Window Trooper
Health: 6
Projectile Attack Power: 1

These servants of Zoda sit in holes in the wall, and fire non-stop when they see Mike. They are tough to reach sometimes and require a bit of energy to kill, so you should consider just avoiding their bullets and moving forward when you can.
Zoda Spawn
Health: 2
Attack Power: 3

Direct from the big guy himself, these nasty mini-incarnations of the Prime Invader are stubborn and know nothing else except to kill Mike. Don't let them gang up on ya, or you could be in for big trouble.